
George Guo

Chief Executive Officer

George Guo is our Chief Executive Officer. Before joining Maxeon, he served as Advisor to the Chairman of TCL Group on strategic issues including corporate strategy, product positioning and go-to-market, supply chain and operation management. Prior to that, Mr. Guo served as CEO for TCL Communications, and brings nearly 40 years of experience and an exceptional track record of technology leadership, scale-up and high-volume manufacturing, driving growth in multiple technology business segments. Mr. Guo’s career includes leadership roles at IBM’s Santa Teresa Lab, serving as CTO and head of R&D for Zhaodaola Internet, and several executive roles at TCL Communications. Mr. Guo holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, an M.S. in Bioengineering from Columbia University, an M.S. in Engineering-Economic Systems and Operations Research from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.

George Guo Chief Executive Officer

Matt Dawson (マット・ドーソン)


マット・ドーソンは現在、最高技術責任者(CTO)を務めています。マキシオンへの入社以前は、バッテリー資材を扱うSila Nanotechnologies社で技術部門のバイスプレジデントを歴任し、さらにそれ以前は、米国SunPower Corporationでさまざまな管理職を経験しました。2019年には、同社の研究開発部門バイスプレジデントに就任し、技術戦略、太陽電池とモジュールの製品開発、ならびに同社のR&D研究施設のインフラ整備の責任者を務めました。太陽光発電のバリューチェーン全体において、製品の開発と展開に関わる業務に15年以上に渡って携わり、R&D段階から大量生産まで革新の幅を拡張し、競争の激しい業界で同社を成功に導いた、確かな実績を持っています。ドーソン氏は、クイーンズ大学(カナダ、キングストン)で英文学のB.A.学士号、工学物理学のB.Sc、エグゼクティブMBAをそれぞれ取得し、さらにブリティッシュ コロンビア大学(カナダ、バンクーバー)では、工学物理学のMAScを取得しています。

Matt Dawson - Chief Technology Officer

Dmitri Hu

Chief Financial Officer

Dmitri Hu is Maxeon’s Chief Financial Officer, with responsibility for the Company’s Finance and IT functions. Mr. Hu joined Maxeon from TCL Industries, where he held key leadership positions including Chief Financial Officer, Vice President and General Manager of Global Service, as well as serving as Executive Director and Board Secretary of TCL Electronics. He has been recognized as theBest CFO – Developed Market/Consumer Discretionary Sector by Institutional Investor in 2019 and 2020, among other prestigious awards. In a career spanning nearly 25 years, Mr. Hu also previously held roles in technology and financial services companies including Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank Group, Yue Yuen Industrials, Gogoro, Inc., and others. He has significant experience in strategic planning, financial transformation, capital and investment strategy, treasury, and capital markets.Mr. Hu holds an MBA from the Stern School of Business of New York University and a BBA from National Taiwan University.

Dmitri Hu Chief Financial Officer

Tiffany See (ティファニー・シー)

Chief Human Resources Officer

Tiffany See は、2020年8月に人事の最高責任者としてMaxeon SolarTechnologiesに入社しました。経験豊富な人事リーダーである彼女は、グローバルリソース企業であるBHPに所属していました。 BHPの前は、Dell Technologiesの人事(アジア)担当エグゼクティブディレクターを務め、17年間さまざまな人事リーダーの職に就いていました。 シー氏は、ニューカッスル大学(オーストラリア)で商学の学士号を取得し、ニューイングランド大学(オーストラリア)で法学士号を取得しています。彼女はシンガポールで17年間働いており、それ以前はマレーシアのペナンに住んでいました。また、シー氏は認定ソリューションフォーカストコーチでもあります。

Tiffany See, Chief Human Resources Officer

Vikas Desai

Chief Commercial Officer

Vikas Desai is Maxeon’s Chief Commercial Officer, responsible for our global go-to-market and customer-facing functions. A solar energy and technology executive with over twenty years’ experience, Mr. Desai has built and scaled multiple global businesses spanning hardware and software for both B2B and B2C. He came to Maxeon with the Company’s acquisition of assets from Complete Solaria in October 2023, where he had served as President. Previously, he has held leadership roles at Powerside, Flextronics, SunEdison, SunPower, EchoFirst and other technology companies.

Mr. Desai received an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business, a Master’s degree in Power Electronics Engineering from Loughborough University, and his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from L.D. College of Engineering.

Vikas Desai